Your support is essential to our mission!

Many thousands of students & hundreds of volunteers have sailed with us. We work with school and community programs serving at-risk students, as well as with N. California county juvenile probation departments. Photos are of students, volunteers, coordinators, and boats of BWF.

Sailing with Camp Sweeney

Our newest program involves working with the Alameda County Probation Department and youths currently at Camp Sweeny, a facility in San Leandro in which convicted youths are given the opportunity in a camp like setting to make their way back to society.

Sails & Events

Saturday, September 14, 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Saturday, September 21, 9:00AM to 3:00PM
Saturday, September 21, 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Friday, September 27, 8:30AM to 3:30PM
Friday, September 27, 6:00PM to Sunday, September 29, 5:00PM
Thursday, October 3, 10:30AM to 2:30PM

Our latest newsletter

Minutes and Newsletter 8-13-24

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A Testimonial

I wanted to take a minute from this COVID19 craziness and on behalf of the Department and County express our extreme appreciation and heartfelt thanks for your partnership and the amazing support that you and the entire Blue Water Sailing Organization provide to the Camp Sweeney Youth and our staff. I am awed by the kindness, support and loving spirit that all the Blue Water members have. Thank you is not enough to tell you how we feel about all you and what Blue Water Members do for these youth. It really is an honor for our department to partner with such amazing selfless community members who provide such wonderful service to very deserving youth in desperate need for role models such as Blue Water Members provide.

Wendy Still, Chief Probation Officer, Alameda County